House Activity
The Students of Classes 1 to 10 th are equally divided into four houses viz Truth House (Yellow), Unity House (Red), Peace house (Green) and Liberty House (Blue).
All the houses carry equal amount of talent in quality and quantity both. Every house has a captain and sports captain chosen by students themselves. Also the school have a head boy and head girl to lead the students council comprised of house captains and sports captains. The council members play the role of volunteers in organizing different activities and maintaining discipline.. There is a teacher incharge of every house to guide the students.
Clubs Activity
The School has various clubs constituted under the inchargeship of senior teachers. viz- Eco club, Readers club, Cultural Club,Herritage club etc. These Clubs perform their different duties round the year. viz- plantation campaign, raising awareness, community service etc.

Cultural Activities
Music, Dance, Fine Arts, Craft b & Other Arts
To explore the creative streak in every child and harness his/her cultural and aesthetic abilities, KIS offers an array of activities in various creative areas. It has separate class rooms very spacious and well equipped conducted by trained teachers. It will be ensured that every child participates in the activities.

It is said that ‘A healthy mind can reside only in a healthy body’. Sports and outdoor games play a very important part in development of a healthy and fit body. It cannot be denied that sports enhance the abilities of the students and develop challenging spirits in them along with entertainment.
Our schools Sport Unit promotes and supports the implementation of appropriate sports for all students by encouraging participation, skill development and excellence in performance. Facilities are provided through which opportunities for student participation in sport are offered at school, area & state levels. Students displaying outstanding skills have the opportunity for selection at national levels.

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A frequently asked question surrounding your service
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